Making Money While Mastering The Game Of Ludo

 On Hobigames, you can play the dice game ludo royal. Ludo can be played in either a cooperative or computer-controlled setting. The first player to move all of his tokens into the home triangle wins the game. A few hints and suggestions can facilitate victory in Ludo. I will outline the rules and explain how to master ludo game in this article.

Ludo Game

Two to four players can play magnetic ludo simultaneously. The optimal number of players is three. Each player receives a total of four tokens. Each game participant has his or her own token. However, the tokens of the victor will share the same color and pattern.

If a player rolls a six on one of their dice, play may commence. The player will now bring his first token inside using this. To acquire the second, third, and fourth tokens, the player must again roll a six. Guests may only bring one token for one-six with them.

As soon as the player successfully brings the token inside, a mob will form around it. The player receives a four after receiving a six previously. After introducing the six tokens, he moves four boxes around the board. Similarly, the player's tokens must be pushed until the center triangle is reached. The game winner is the first player to place all of their tokens in the center of the board.

Ludo Game Rules

The player can either block or capture the opponent. If you are unfamiliar with offline ludo game and wish to learn how to play and master the game, you must first become familiar with capturing and blocking. These two rules are crucial to the success of the game. These two maneuvers are responsible for the game's thrills and thrills.


Capturing occurs when a player places his token in the same box as another player's token. Consider that player one is located in box 20 and player two is located in box 16. It is now the turn of the second player. The die of the second player contained a four. He advances four spaces and seizes the token belonging to player one from box 20. The captured token, also known as the Player 1 token, will then resume its journey. For Player 1 to bring this token inside, he must roll a six on this dice.


A pair is formed when two of your tokens are placed in the same location. A pair limits the mobility of other players. This means that other players are unable to move around your couple. Examining an example will facilitate comprehension. Assume that a pair has already been formed at box 20.

Your opponent is currently located in box 16. The result of his roll of the dice was a six. Box 16 cannot transfer the token to box 22. He can only move the token up to box 19. Nonetheless, in light of this, he should have rolled a three on his dice. However, he has only 6, so he cannot move the token from box 16 to a different location.

Blocking is advantageous when your opponent has reached the end of his or her journey with three tokens. Currently, he is missing only one token. You are in possession of all four tokens on the other side. This enables you to block an opponent's token when it is played. While he is incapacitated, you complete the game.

How Is the Game Ludo Played?

Mastering the Ludo Game requires an understanding of the game's fundamental rules. The first step of the game consists of rolling a six. The goal of the game is to move each token to the center of the board. The game concludes when one of the players achieves this objective.

Techniques For Mastering The Game Of Ludo

Bring Inside All Coins And Tokens

If you draw a six, you must bring the tokens inside. It occurs repeatedly. Use the sixes to move your tokens around the board only after all of your tokens have been introduced into play. In the world of Ludo, this is referred to as the "opening of tokens."

Give every token the same value

It is unacceptable to relocate a single token multiple times. Assign each token the same amount of weight. Transfer them both concurrently. Some players choose to concentrate on a single token and attempt to move it to the center of the board.

The next step is to acquire the second token. After moving the second token to the center of the board, they acquire the third token. You will not be successful if you employ this tactic. Obtain both tokens simultaneously.

Get Control and Prevent

If you wish to become a Master of Ludo, you must first become familiar with the capturing and blocking strategies. When you capture and halt your opponents' tokens, you slow down their game and make it harder for them to win. Your odds of winning are increased as a result of this action.

Guard Your Tokens

The "star box" is a unique and versatile Ludo board component. When your tokens are protected by star boxes, they cannot be stolen by other players. Therefore, the best way to safeguard your tokens is to store them in star boxes at all times.


To master the game of Ludo, you must develop a strategy from the very start. For instance, you should not move the second token until the first token has been moved ten spaces.

The third token can be moved after the first token has been moved 30 spaces and the second token has been moved 20 spaces.

Do Not Slack

It is possible that you will not be able to win if you become disinterested in the middle of the game. On occasion, the desired number may appear on the dice. Occasionally, your enemies begin to capture you one-by-one. It is more likely that you will lose interest whenever a similar occurrence occurs because it decreases your odds of winning.

However, this is not the case in Ludo. Even at this late stage, anything is still possible. Therefore, you should not slack off during the game. Continue to play with vigor until the very end.

Seven As The Default

The rule of seven is a useful strategy for beginners learning to play Master Ludo Game. This rule requires you to always maintain a seven-place advantage over your competition. There is a small chance that your opponent will be able to capture you as a result. Due to the fact that a player's dice can never total more than six points, you should always maintain a seven-place advantage over your opponent.

Token Positions

Always be aware of the location of your tokens. Using this strategy will make it easier for you to capture your opponents, and you will become a Ludo Game Master over time. To accomplish this objective, you must maintain vigilance and participation throughout the entirety of the game.

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